Hello Friend!
Thank you for your interest in our online program: CAMP IS MORE THAN A PLACE! We appreciate your help and look forward to seeing your camp creativity!
It is our hope to feature as many submitted videos as possible; however, please know that based on our risk management policies and child/camper safety, not all videos may be used. As we are held to certain constraints including, but not limited to, the ability to host videos, length of submissions, appropriateness of content, use of copy-written and/or trademarked items, and video quality, we must reserve the right to edit, alter, and even potentially decline the use of a video or other content.
Prior to the creation of your video, please complete the Release and Online Game Plan (if needed) below. If you are hoping to create a video for a specific week of camp, please note that the Online Game Plan and the video must be submitted at least two weeks prior.
Please contact our office at mail@campjohnmarc.org.