Songs & Stories

There’s nothing more magical than sitting around a campfire with your friends and cabinmates! Can you find some creative ways to recreate the magic of a campfire? Songs and stories bring the magic of camp to your home. This page has some of your favorites as sing-a-longs or read-a-longs, get to listening and then make them your own!

  • Little Red Wagon

  • Singing in the Rain

  • The Story of Rindercella

  • Tres Aves Grandes

  • 3 Short Neck Buzzards

  • Why the Coyote Howls

  • Boom Chicka Boom

  • Echo

  • Princess Pat

  • Cassiopeia

  • Cygnus

  • Bo Diddly Bop

  • Socks

  • Hotdog Song

  • Rum Pum Pum

  • Story of CJM

  • Yeah Toast